Monday, June 8, 2009

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Brij says "hey barb I saw this movie this weekend and you reminded me of one of the characters."

"what movie?'

"Sisterhood of the traveling pants part 2"

"wonderful, which character"

"I don’t know their names, the one with the asian boyfriend. she's a hipster"

"thanks brij. I have a lot of work to do, so can we talk about this later?"

I love- LOVE- that you are the closest thing any of them have ever seen that resembles a "hipster." Are they going to pee their pants when/if they meet me?

I love that they think one of the pants girls is a hipster…..

From now on we call babs Tibby!
Who was i talking to yesterday on the phone about this, one of you? Me
and Mara get back from the club and go to the TV room and there are my
parents watching that movie haha! I started making fun of them, but
then i joined them to watch. Man, that movie is something else (in a
good and bad way)
God is great
Beer is good
ANd ppl are crazy.

Her name is TIBBY?!?!?!? who names their kid Tibby?

Can I at least be called "B-Tibs"?

You were not speaking to me about this movie, I have never seen either of these two pants-trocities.

I HAVE THE FIRST ONE. I have NO idea why I have it. Really I don't- but you are SO TOTES COMING OVER and we are all having a pants party. oooooh- or a no pants party...

only If I can bring SPICE WORLD and we watch that too.

ok, next rainy weekend day we are doing it: the "sisterhood spice no pants hair braiding pillow fighting marathon!"

1 comment:

  1. what? this was not meant to be BLOGGED about!?!??!?!?!
