Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pre Thanksgiving Emails

From: Barbara


From: Lisa

we are going to it when it opens at midnight. period.

From: Barbara

I can’t. I have never even seen the first one. and the only thing worse than going to see hancock is going to see hancock 2 when you havent seen hancock 1.

From: Lisa

it's actually a very cute movie.

From: Barbara

lisa, you liked hitch. you have no say in the matter.

From: Lisa

that movie is ADORABLE!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


It's been a long time since anyone has posted!?!? but now that summer is over - :( - and lisa can't wear white anymore - I think it's time for a re-charge.

Today I heard the most exciting news! THE KILLS are working on their FOURTH ALBUM!!! Look at Hotel and VV's post above! I can't even wait for new music from the dynamic duo of minimalist sleeze-rock. A whole new album to sing in the shower and play so many times the CD litterally get's worn out on certian tracks. And a new album means a new TOUR. And a new tour means seeing the sweating and microphone shoving and spitting and hair pulling in real time! It might be the first day back to reality after a long weekend and the first day of "fall," but I'm as happy as can be!
xx bb

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Faculty


Lisa- OMG, ZEKE! do you remember when the faculty came out! haha love it

Josh Hartnett is the best, esp in middle school

Babs-um that movie is DISGUSTING!

Nora-that movie is amazing. You LOVED it, don't lie.

Babs-ok ok the only reason I even saw this monstrosity was b/c jonny stew 2was in it (and let me tell you that there is nothing more upsetting then seeing jon, sweet little science teacher get EFFING BOILED TO DEATH AND HAVE PENCILS STICKING OUT OF HIS EYEBALL!!!|

Lisa-and Usher was in it for five mins
and Frodo!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

hahah when i was a kid like in 3rd grade my friends and i used to play this game called "black cloud"

and one of us would put on a big black trash bag
and chase everyone else around the house
and the non black clouds would have to run every where screaming
and that's it there was NO point to this game except to scream and wear trash bags
o...m.....g...... sweet lord.....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


This is what happens when we try to go to a speak easy that is too filled for the likes of us. We take a photo shoot. In the crowded bar across the street. I don't think our surrounding drinkers found it that entertaining, but we sure did!

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Brij says "hey barb I saw this movie this weekend and you reminded me of one of the characters."

"what movie?'

"Sisterhood of the traveling pants part 2"

"wonderful, which character"

"I don’t know their names, the one with the asian boyfriend. she's a hipster"

"thanks brij. I have a lot of work to do, so can we talk about this later?"

I love- LOVE- that you are the closest thing any of them have ever seen that resembles a "hipster." Are they going to pee their pants when/if they meet me?

I love that they think one of the pants girls is a hipster…..

From now on we call babs Tibby!
Who was i talking to yesterday on the phone about this, one of you? Me
and Mara get back from the club and go to the TV room and there are my
parents watching that movie haha! I started making fun of them, but
then i joined them to watch. Man, that movie is something else (in a
good and bad way)
God is great
Beer is good
ANd ppl are crazy.

Her name is TIBBY?!?!?!? who names their kid Tibby?

Can I at least be called "B-Tibs"?

You were not speaking to me about this movie, I have never seen either of these two pants-trocities.

I HAVE THE FIRST ONE. I have NO idea why I have it. Really I don't- but you are SO TOTES COMING OVER and we are all having a pants party. oooooh- or a no pants party...

only If I can bring SPICE WORLD and we watch that too.

ok, next rainy weekend day we are doing it: the "sisterhood spice no pants hair braiding pillow fighting marathon!"

Thursday, June 4, 2009

a first/test post

Bringing it back.